Configuration guides Emails All Residential Business Set up your B2B2C email account by selecting the configuration guide that best matches the software and device you use. RHow to configure my email account with iPhone, iPad (IOS 11.4)?RHow to configure my email account with iPhone, iPad (IOS 11.4)?RHow to configure my emails with Mail (MAC)?RHow configure my email account with Windows Live Mail (2012 version)?RHow to configure my email account with Windows?RHow to configure my email account with Outlook 365 ProPlus (Version 1708)?RHow to configure my email account with Thunderbird?RWhat parameters are used to configure IMAP access to your emails?RWhat parameters are used to configure POP access to your emails?RHow to configure my email account with Galaxy Note 4, Android version 6.0.1?AWhat is an IMAP protocol?AWhat is a POP protocol?